S101 Citrus Cleaner, Degreaser and Adhesive Remover | TENSORGRIP

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As low as $195.00

TensorGrip S101 Citrus Cleaner Adhesive Remover is the king of cleaners when it comes to removing and cleaning adhesive, glue, resins, two part polyurethane spray foam, single-ply membrane glue, grease and other materials from tools, equipment, and other surfaces. Unlike most solvent cleaners, S101 is safe for most surfaces, yet powerful enough to remove adhesives and other tough substances. Whether it’s spray hoses, spray equipment, adhesive gun applicators, ink, tar, decal residue or any other unwanted materials, you can trust TensorGrip S101 to effortlessly remove them. with the sweet scent of citrus. TENSORGRIP S101 is packaged in 12 Ounce and 22 Ounce Aerosol Cans, as well as 7 Liter and 22 Liter Pressurized Cylinder Tank Canisters to encompass two main goals: eliminate the mess and worry of liquid solvents and for ease of purging canister adhesive application equipment like applicator tools, guns and hoses.

S101 Adhesive Cleaner/Remover ADVANTAGES:

  • Cleans material hoses, two part adhesive spray guns, pumps and other equipment
  • Safe for decal residue removal – even on powder-coated surfaces
  • Exceptional cleaning, purging, and degreasing power
  • Pleasant citrus scent
  • Safer to use than most cleaners and adhesive removers
  • Compatible with most plastics
  • Eco-Friendly, Environmentally Safe!


Financing Available for orders over $1,000

TensorGrip S101 Adhesive Cleaner and Adhesive Remover is a bio-safe citrus solvent cleaner, degreaser and adhesive remover designed to safely and easily  remove adhesives, A+B two part polyurethane glues, resins, ink and other tough substances. Available in 13oz./650ML Aerosol Spray Cans, 7-Liter Pressurized Cylinder Spray Canisters, or 22-Liter Pressurized Cylinder Spray Canisters for cleaning, degreasing, and purging adhesive spray equipment.


  • Exceptional cleaning/degreasing power
  • Non-corrosive, Environmentally Safe!
  • Pleasant light citrus scent
  • Compatible with most plastics
  • Cleans hoses, spray guns and other adhesive equipment
  • Decal residue removal – safe for powder-coated surfaces
  • Safer to use than most cleaners/adhesive removers Biodegradable


  • TensorGrip S101 can be sprayed on and wiped off. Wash off any remaining residue with water.
  • This Citrus Cleaner can be safely used on most surfaces, including painted surfaces, glass, porcelain, concrete, and many plastics and vinyls.
  • To clean adhesive application hoses and guns, attach the hose and gun to a canister of TensorGrip S101 and flush until clear (about 45 seconds).
  • An 8lb canister will work for approximately 8 purges; 22L size works for approximately 28 purges.
  • The product will not be damaged by freezing. Warm up to room temperature for use.


More Information
Manufacturer Part Number S101
Weight 2lb

TensorGrip Quin Global S101 is an environmentally safe Citrus solvent/cleaner, degreaser and adhesive remover designed to safely and powerfully remove adhesives and other tough substances. Available in small canisters for purging adhesive spray equipment. TensorGrip S101 can be sprayed on and wiped off.